Monday, January 26, 2009

Are we still in a recession?

My personal belief is that things will turn around but it will take time. How much time is the thing.....We are still in a recession CHANGE has come to America and God's People. How we get there is a key point of the process Don't despise the process of how we get there. 

1 comment:

  1. Blogging about Everything and anybody say something

    The economic status of the country since there may be some of you have not accepted the new president guess what he is everybody’s president.

    I can’t stand hearing loud mouth Sherri on the view Whoppi is so calm when she gets her point across Sherri needs to pay attention. The new administration is in place and to turn things around it takes action because Faith without works is DEAD.. come on somebody.

    There are so many people in shock about the economy that they are just trying to make sure they can keep their heads above water.

    I have stopped trying to help everybody else and made sure that I can pay my tithes, feed myself and keep my home halfway decent. That’s where I am on this recession business..
    People are still traveling, buying groceries, eating out , going to the movies. movies and music is still being produced and released at full price. So it us that needs to get out from under by creating our own network. Networks of private banks, insurance and investments among ourselves to Heck (that’s right I said heck wanted to say something else but my nieces and nephews may read this one day) with the BIG PLAYERS they only hurt us. So feel free to comment on this I will add on the regular while sipping coffee at Panera.
