Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I know how it may feel to be made fun of but Tyler Perry clearly misunderstands that in Hollywood he is fair game to be ridiculed for producing movies using the same script lines, jokes, and story lines. I am a subscriber to his website and have yet to hear of a play or movie that does not talk about abuse of any kind. There are other stories to tell and because he is so popular he is not being made fun of. He can always create and open up his own television station on cable like Oprah. However that will not stop the jokes. He has to get tougher skin he does have a good message but this is what happens when a man dresses like a woman to portray the story the way he sees it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This really short but I wanted to invite you to the conference call for Developing Your Faith Walk : The Series

My personal 12 step testimony

The conference has been recored here are your details the dial in number and pin/access code
Free Conference Play Back
Playback Number: (323) 679-0075
Access Code: 560456#

Please post your comments on this blog so I can read your feedback. Week One has been posted!