Words of Wisdom “On My Way”
From the Publisher Carshena Eunice Baker
Are you that desperate for me to be with someone you would try to fix me up with your dope smoking, sitting under the tree all day running gambling games and selling stolen goods under that same tree’ brother. What kind of man wants another woman to settle for any old thing. When you realized that you are at point of weakness and have settled for something less than what you would have if you were thinking straight. By thinking straight I mean Praying and taking time to talk to God about what you are planning because your own personal plans do not fall in to what God has in store for you.
When I realized I was settling for something less than what God had for me I had to do a quick reassessment of my life and what I wanted and how what I wanted would fall in to my ministry for Christ. I had to change my friends, and rethink my plan and purpose on this earth. I always thank God for the new day and I meditate and concentrate on Him. My day flows much better when I talk to the Lord. This may seem silly to some but when I take that meditation time and put it to good use. I am more aware of my driving habits, my conversation with those I know love and care for even strangers that I meet. Prayer makes a difference. For when you pray you must believe that God can do whatever you ask. If you have any doubts when you pray than you do not believe that God can fix any situation. I just wanted to let you all know that I am “On My Way”.
On My Way to continue going higher in God and elevating my spiritual mindset. Organized religion huh it is just that, we wonder why we agree to be governed by rules that the Bible says to be careful of because they follow mans laws and ways and not God’s. law or ways. We wonder why we are always singing about the break thru and the break thru does not come. Well the break thru does not come because we somehow got off track in lost our way. But now that I realized that I lost my way and fixed my compass I am back on track and ON MY WAY.
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